This is another instalment of revision notes in preparation for the new A Level exams. They can be used to revise vocabulary in context, refresh ideas about the topic, to prepare speaking cards, to read before embarking on an exercise, etc.
Kindly respect copyright and do not distribute freely. Your feedback is welcome.
I hope you find my collection of resources useful, particularly the speaking cards.
I welcome any comments here or
Hapy teaching and learning!
UPDATED This is my 2018-19scheme of work for the second year of the AL Spanish.
Please note that I do the film the second year, to tie it with the topic of Monarquías y Dictaduras.
I also enclose the booklet I give the students (Programme of Study).
The grade boundaries breakdown is based on the 2018 exams.
You will find useful resources to teach the course in my shop, such as original and provoking speaking cards, general questions and very useful revision notes.
Happy teaching!
Icebreaker activity for induction of Y12. Students read statements and make selection judgments. This is followed by a class discussion, to set the expectations at the beginning of the year and to draw attention to students about what they can do to get high grades.
Also useful for Y13 as a reminder!
UPDATED. Based on rockmonkey’s excellent Y12 Spanish Booklet, I have made my own version. This is for the old AQA but it has things that you might be wanted to use in the new.
Please forget my plagiarism (particularly rockmonkey) but you inspired me! I suppose that is part of the game! I hope you find it useful.
PPP with information from a great variety of resources. Details on El boom literario, biography, genre of the novel, content, techniques, and some sample essay and oral questions.
"A great resource for the price of a sandwich!"
This is a booklet with stimulus cards, question starters and general questions on the topic "Los valores tradicionales y modernos" aimed at and tailored for students. It is based on the AQA board and the Oxford University Press AS textbook.
The booklet contains a summary of the exam structure (separately for AS and AL), eight sample stimulus cards, questions starters and general questions on the subtopics. I have also included the source of the material in many of the stimulus cards, so that students can do extensive reading on the topic. The resource can be used in class or to set homework.
I have created this booklet as there are only a few stimulus cards in the AQA site and as a teacher I need more resources than these to practice in class. Also, the type of questions in the new oral exam is very different to the old: they require a more precise response to the card, they test their knowledge of the culture and society and they are generally more challenging! I hope this resource helps teachers with their workload and it gives students an opportunity to practice and prepare for the exams.
I welcome any feedback on this resource, either on this site or privately at:
You will find more cards in TES for units 2, 3 and 4.
Thanks for your support.
As promised, here are the revision notes for this topic. Useful to prepare speaking cards, revise concepts, ideas, cultural information, etc. I have included notes on racism against indigenous people, the homeless and gypsies too, apart from the obvious. Also, examples of racist language, campaigns, etc. It seems to me that AQA could have labelled this topic better, for example "hate crime" as it is wider than just hate against "race".
Happy teaching and learning, Blanca.
A (rather rudimentary!) template, to upload in TEAMs or similar, for students to identify their initial thematic choices. This could then be used:
to discuss their choices as a class/individually
to ensure that their choices do not overlap, once they refine them.
to guide them with the next step
Following the success with the first instalment, this is the second instalment of a series of revision notes for the preparation of the new A Levels (AQA). The notes are a compilation of ideas from subtopics, with plenty of ideas sourced from the students themselves. They can be used for the preparation of the listening and reading, or for the stimulus cards. The idea is that students revise the vocabulary and key ideas grouped together by context. I hope it is useful for you and your students.
The third unit revision notes have also been published in TES. Kindly respect copyright and do not distribute freely. Your feedback is welcome. Happy teaching and learning!
These are three versions of the same exercise on the director's cinematographic techniques. The idea is that you differentiate according to your students' needs. It should help students to revise vocabulary, grammar, sentence formation and the techniques themselves!
Please browse my other resources in case if you find something useful. I have recently uploaded some materials for the new AS exam and will continue to do more. Follow me!
Here is a plan that I gave my students to write an essay on Adela. This is a model question for the new A Levels and I am teaching " La Casa de Bernarda Alba" in the first year. You can use it to help weak students, for peer writing, to write your own essay, etc.
I hope it is useful.
Please browse through my resources in TES for speaking cards and revision notes for the new A Level. I am sure you will find something useful for you and for your students.
This is my 18-19 Scheme of Work for the first year of the new A level Spanish (from 2016). I enclose the document I give students too.
I have also published the second year for free in TES.
The grade boundaries breakdown is based on the 2018 exams.
Please note I teach the book in the first year, to tie it up with the theme of gender equality.
These are two model essays for La Casa, one on the main themes and the other on the character of Adela. They are an AL1 question but can easily be adated for AL2. I hope you find them useful.
List of phases based on the AQA Spanish syllabus translation English > Spanish.
Use for games, quizes, etc. You will find this file in Quizlet, where your students can compete against each other.
If you find this resource useful, please consider contribute to the Spanish post 16 TES bank, as we have so little.
Updated 30.08.18 to include Catalonia’s referendum and Pedro Sánchez. This is a very dense topic so I have created a set of concise notes to help students digest key information. As part of the notes, there is a brief summary of films about the war and key dictators in Latinoamerica. The notes would be useful to prepare speaking cards, as a starting point for the IRP or for backgroud knowledge of some cultural topics (El Laberinto, for example). They are also useful for end of unit revision or final exams.
The format is deliberately simple to aid adaptation.
Your comments are always welcome.
Happy teaching and learning!
This is the first in a series of revision notes. They are a summary of key information/ideas and not a collection of data. They revise ideas for the speaking cards and also key vocabulary in context. They can be used in preparation for end of unit tests, mock exams and for the real exams.
The updated version contains a section on women and work and on gender violence.
Kindly respect copyright and do not distribute freely. Your feedback is welcome.
A set of cutting edge cards including the campaign "No nos vamos, nos echan", the SISI and recent protests in Venezuela. Many cards have links so that students can read widely about the topic or use the card as a springboard to prepare their individual presentations.
The type of questions mirror those of the exam (this has been extensively researched before producing them by looking at the range of questions in French and German exams too).
The game should help with improvisation and to explore different points, a skill much needed in speaking and writing.
I have also published revision notes that can be useful to prepare the cards.
Happy teaching and learning, Blanca